The Bridge Southern Africa trip officially began today! Those on the group flight took off a few minutes late, around 11:30, this morning and are in the air as I write this. says they are about 19,000 feet up and scheduled to land in approximately 10 hours. Trip leader Thatcher is with the group on the flight and leader Sarah is already in Johannesburg waiting to meet the rest of the students who are flying in separately.
The first few days in South Africa are going to include lots of rest and jet lag adjustment time and plenty of group activities and get-to-know-you games. On Sunday, they will be introduced to some serious South African topics during a tour of an AIDS hospice and a pre-school for orphans and low-income children.
If you have any questions throughout the trip, please don't hesitate to email or call us., or 603-478-3166 (9am-5pm), 603-478-5251 (after hours).